What Happened to the Ones Who Stayed in Omelas?
Omelas is a self-sufficient organism composed by the entanglement of plants and humans. #Re-designing Infrastructures
Shifting inside and outside, allowing us to reconsider our fragility and nature. #Shifting Value
Inside and outside define the boundaries of our perceptions and our way of being: during the confinement the balance between those two poles was shifted, allowing us to consider our fragility and nature. The video shows rendered boundaries on the scale of the body, then to the perimeter of our living space, and finally to the dimension of our consciousness. While shifting these boundaries and playing with them, Outside, Inside My Nature questions how to define our territory. The video artwork is made in collaboration with Gianmarco Causi.
Alessandro Cugola is an architect who focuses on exhibition and installation design. He experiments with the possibilities that architecture gives, beyond the mere construction but rather on the meaning and sensations space is able to create or absorb. Next to his independent work Cugola works at the Belgian architecture firm 51N4E.